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National Awareness, Attitude & Usage Study

The National Awareness, Attitude & Usage Study of Visitor-Serving Organizations (NAAU) is the product of a founding partnership by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Monterey Bay Aquarium, and IMPACTS.


Since its initial deployment in year 2010, the NAAU has documented and quantified the opinions, perceptions, and behaviors of more than 100,000 US adults concerning visitor-serving organizations.


The NAAU intends to help visitor-serving organizations such as museums, zoos, aquariums, botanic gardens, and performing arts groups better understand their current and potential audiences, and also support their data-informed decision-making processes concerning critical issues such as strategic planning, pricing, audience acquisition, and the visitor experience.

The overarching objective of the NAAU is to provide visitor-serving organizations with the types of market intelligence they will need in order to remain relevant and viable in an increasingly challenging, evolving, and competitive environment.

IMPACTS believes that the NAAU is the largest, most comprehensive, and representatively inclusive scope of research concerning visitor-serving organizations heretofore conducted in the United States.  Collectively, the continuous deployment of various data collection methods provide an ongoing, "near real-time" data stream to support the NAAU - thus, ensuring its continued relevance and applicability to the ever-evolving visitor-serving sector.

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